This is the About page, where you'll find everything you'd ever need to know about me.

Heyo. I like to make dinky games on Scratch and IGM, play dumb video games, and rant.

This is my web site, and yes, the space between web and site is very much intentional.
est. April 13, 2023 / days ago

It was made as a way to talk about random stuff I'm interested in, rant about stuff I hate, and to add all sorts of fun, little details everywhere.
Some of my interests are listed below.
What do I like? Well, my favorite game is Minecraft. My favorite movies are Holes, Coraline, Isle of Dogs, Elf, Home Alone 1 & 2, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

My favorite artists/bands are Tame Impala, MGMT, Vampire Weekend, Bill Wurtz, Beck, Foster The People, Tally Hall, Radiohead, Daft Punk, and Grizzly Bear.

I do occasionally listen to a variety of other artists, but I won't list them all here.
Oh yeah, I say 'good morning' a lot.
I wouldn't ask about it.

Check out the About Extras page for more.

• FAQ •
Here's a random assortment of self-asked questions that might match some of your questions.

Q : What kind of games do you make?
A : Platformers, turn-based, and text-based.
Q : Why do you have 35,000+ hours on Cookie Clicker?
A : I like cookies.
Q : Are you a huge gamer most of the time?
A : Eh, not really. I need to play more games.
Q : Why does your 'web site' suck complete ass?
A : Yours probably doesn't look much better.
Q : What is your favorite show ever?
A : The Amazing World of Gumball.
Q : What is your favorite album ever?
A : Only God Was Above Us by Vampire Weekend.
Q : Why are swears censored?
A : I'd like to keep this site as PG-13 as possible.
Q : How would you rate your pain?
A : Five, on a scale of 1-10.
Q : Is there a fly in your room?
A : Yup. Where it came from, I have no clue.
Q : What's the latest time you've stayed up?
A : 4:04 AM. Trust me, I've seen a lot worse.
Q : Have you ever had gum stuck in your hair?
A : Yes. When? I forgot.

Check out the FAQ Extras page for actually decent questions.

This is my current date and time.

Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time (PST)

Here's what I've last listened to! (Or what's playing right now!)


Hyphen-Lost Website
i am hyphen and i make things. wow very cool
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Rylie Eric Website
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Fractyl's Website
hey, i'm fractyl and i like to make stuff.
Established August 2023
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