hello, again. it's the time of the month again, the time to read the latest Lg products blog post! before we begin, i should probably mention the elephant in the room. yeah... that blog post. so my mood wasn't exactly the absolute greatest last month, and to be honest, it still hasn't improved much. however, i'm going to try my best to avoid being depressing in this post. no more ranting about isolation or whatever, just about what's actually happened. and if i do mention it, it'll be quick.

to start us off, my birthday was last month! yeah! i'm a year older now, even though i'll probably still feel 15 for a long while. guess that's just how it is. i got a crap-ton of money and some CDs as presents (along with other misc. stuff), so that was pretty cool. my mom actually held the family party two days before my actual birthday, since it landed on a monday, which is the worst possible day to have a birthday. ah well.
once the second week of school started, though, the cracks started to show. i began to feel down again, like i usually do. but on my freaking birthday though, really?! look, i desperately want to enjoy this year, but with the stress of the musical (which we'll get to) and my own anxieties, it's not looking like a very fun year.

it's a damn shame, really. having high school be as nothing as it is. i feel nothing going to that school, no anger, no fear, nothing. just... pure gray. eugh, i'm making this too dreary. i figured i'd do that at some point, and it did not take long. honestly, i should start writing some of my random thoughts down, they'd probably make for a more interesting blog post. then again... it'd be too depressing. agh, let's just wrap up this segment already! birthday party good, actual birthday bleak. moving on.
remember how three months ago, i talked about how i was in a play at my school? well, it's time for round two!! that's right- i'm in a musical this time! the process was relatively similar to how it worked last time, aside from having to sing in front of 4 teachers this time. since i don't listen musicals (even though i'll have to start soon), i sung the closest thing to a "musical song" i know: Pure Imagination from Willy Wonka. dang, this is the second time i've mentioned willy wonka in a blog post. anyhoo, i got called back, read some lines, the usual. however, i didn't get a lead role this time, which may seem like a disappointment at first. but instead, the side character i'm playing is probably the best possible character i could've got.

i'm honestly glad i didn't get a lead role. sure, it was fun last time, but adding on singing and dancing would make this experience kinda... worse? i can sing decently, but my vocal range is pretty limited, like most boys my age. but it's dancing that really messes me up. i've mentioned before that i have vertigo, which is dizziness and motion sickness combined. dancing comes with spinning, which i hate- it throws me off, makes me dizzy, and can trigger a panic attack if it gets bad. so yeah, not a big fan of that. they'd still probably understand my situation if i did have a lead role, but having a side role is way better. i don't have to go to every rehearsal, i get to hang with the other side characters, and it's just a fun time overall.

rehearsals are also pretty fun, probably because i'm actually talking to people instead of hanging out in my own little bubble. i'm really trying to avoid that here, since i'd like to enjoy this process as much as possible. and i know you're probably wondering what musical i'm actually starring in, especially since i never even told you last semester's production. well... i'd like to keep that information private. my school likes to post stuff a lot, and i'm not trying to doxx myself here.
also how would you guys feel about a George musical. wouldn't that be so awesome?
speaking of school (oh yeah it's the obligatory school part, sorry), i have to think about what classes i'm gonna take for my junior year. wow, i'm already halfway through this year? yikes. so this year, i didn't quite get the classes i wanted to take. i mentioned this in the old blog, but i initially planned on taking web design and game design, which are both one-semester courses. unfortunately, game design got too few students, and i didn't know until August. so i had to settle for journalism, which, spoiler alert, was a big mistake.

now, i actually want to learn how to code. like, with text. sure, i have the web site to show i can do that, but i don't think my code is very good. web design would teach me how to properly code in HTML and CSS, and even teach me Javascript as a bonus. i could make my own cookie clicker knockoff!
if game design isn't offered next year, screw it. i'll take some other one-semester course alongside web design, maybe like speech or something. as for my other electives, i'm taking AP Computer Science Principles. yes, that does mean i could have two computer-related classes next year, which would be pretty cool. i've already taken an AP class before, so i already know what to expect in terms of workload and difficulty.

theater arts is also on my list, since i was in the fall production last semester, and the musical this semester. it's taught by the same guy who ran the play, and he's one of my favorite teachers there. at least it's a guarantee that i would enjoy that class, unless the students sucked ass, but i doubt those kind of people would take a theater class.
i'm really trying to make next year as enjoyable as possible, academics-wise. my mental health has kinda been a sh*tshow this year, and i need some fun classes to make these days less monotonous.
y'know, i remember mentioning in my first blog post (referring to the first one w/ Zonelets) that i almost felt like i forgot how to have friends. i feel like that's still true, now more than ever. after the play i was in ended in november, then my closest friend left in december, my life feels emptier than ever. sure, it's been better than last year, but that cold, familiar feeling has come back to bite me in the ass.

my mood has been over the place. it's just a zig-zag of emotions, and it's constantly fluctuating. i can have a good day at school, but a bad night at home, or sometimes the other way around. it's probably about time i actually open up to someone... but i don't know where to start. i haven't known where to start for ages now, and last year wasn't exactly a very solid foundation. try as i might, but i always feel lost, even when others tell me i'm in the right spot. i'm nowhere near the "right spot"; i'm scatterbrained and incapable of making decisions.

i wish my birthday wasn't as... crappy as it was. we held a family party two days before, which was fun, but my actual birthday was pretty depressing. i wasn't talking again, didn't mention my birthday very much, and was even on the verge of tears when i saw a note my mom made for me. but on the other hand, i went to a friend's quinceañera two weeks ago. it was actually really fun, and i got to hang out with a handful of my castmates from the musical. i would show pictures, but privacy exists and i'd like to keep it that way.

okay okay, i think i'm done now. sorry this section is a bit tonally different from all the other jargon, but i couldn't go without talking about all this stuff. what i need is to take my time with things, actually talk to people, and probably work on my games.
now, about those games of mine...
if you're a part of my discord server (which you might be? idrk exactly who looks at these things), you might've noticed that i'm posting more George-related stuff than usual. screenshots, teasers, and even an entire boss track from hyphen. to somewhat revive the server and show off new G1.5 stuff, i've been posting rather frequently as of late. i'm always finding stuff in the game that's either outdated or poorly written, or sometimes just both. code and assets change constantly, which definitely shows that i'm working on the game.

i also gave the game a save/load system, something that George 1 entirely lacked. despite this new entry being infinitely more complex than its predecessor (not even mentioning the original btw), the system is pretty simple. some games make entire base-10 encrypters for their codes, meanwhile the G1.5 codes are just 9 characters in a row. yeah, Infinity Player+ had fairly long codes, but they were easily modifiable and not encrypted in the slightest. it doesn't really need to be a complex system, the most is has are some checks to make sure it doesn't accept gibberish. it probably still will, but i can easily improve it later.

as for you IGM fans, i've sure you're tired of me neglecting Fire Forge. after all the teasers, interesting concepts, promising mechanics, we get nothing after months of waiting? is this game even real?! well yes, the game is in fact real, but the first complete alpha isn't. i completely lost motivation for the game late into 2024, and the release of SMS '24 solidified that. now it seems all hope for this game's release is completely down the drain. well, you're probably right. sorry to burst your bubble, but i have to give the cold, hard truth. ...y'know what? here's what i'll do: i'll answer some question that you might have about the game. how about that?

  • Q : How many quests will be available upon release?
    A : I'm aiming for around 6-8. They'll be decently long.
  • Q : When George 1.5 releases, will you return to Fire Forge?
    A : Yes, even thought it'll take a while (no surprise there).
  • Q : How often will post-Alpha 1 updates be released?
    A : Man, I couldn't tell ya. Just wait for Alpha 1.

  • well, i hope that gave you some clarity. my non-existent schedule is pretty dominated by George & Co. at the moment, but once that gets taken care of, i'll get back to working on the adventures of the, uh... Fire Forge characters. they don't exactly have real names, so i refer to them as "You" and "Friend". yes, this decision is final. see? there's your long-awaited teaser that you definitely can't find anywhere online!

    most stuff i put out this year will probably be on this web site or my YT channel. my scratch account basically serves little-to-no purpose at this point, which is why i'm also planning on leaving the platform. i haven't interacted with anyone there since 2022, my projects are just presentations now, and there's no activity from me. once we hit the 5-year milestone, i'll make a short animatic announcing my departure. i'll still take a glance at projects every now and then, but my account will be fully inactive. the memories were fun, but it's time to move on.

    that's all for this month. hope my mood can improve throughout the next couple months. see you then.
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