While this web site is typically used as a way to share my games, I also use it to share my (sparse) socials, project teasers, and my thoughts on random topics. Like most websites, this is the essential place to discover more about its creator and its projects. I also just like to include other wacky stuff alongside that, too.I will say, this site doesn't look nearly as fancy as most modern websites is because I'm just plain alright when it comes to HTML and CSS, and I'm actively still getting used to their quirks and limitations. Other languages I know are Scratch and IGM, but I'm not quite sure if these count.
The 2.0 update has definitely helped improve my skills in these languages, but there's still a long ways to go. Visit the Site Map to quickly see what's available.
If you're here to get in contact with me, you can do that via my Discord server. I won't be providing my email anywhere. Otherwise, have fun on my digital home on the world wide web.
Don't mind the characters on the top, I just felt like adding some life into this page.