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allergy weekend • 9/16/20244:03 PM PSTGreen

my nose is still dry, please send help

hell! today i'm staying home from school. yep, not even one month in and i'm already taking a day off. but it's for a damn good reason. my allergies have once again come back to haunt me, as they've started doing these past few years especially. it usually starts with a sore throat, then transitions to a stuffy nose (to the point where you can't even breathe), then ends with a slight cough. but that's not all! as a parting gift for your suffering, it leaves you with a dry nose, the absolute worst thing imaginable. it stings, it's annoying, and you just want it gone. so these past few days have been fun

you might've noticed a few new things going on with this web site. first of all, it has themes now! if you look at the very bottom of the page, where it says "Hate these colors?", you'll find a neat button that allows you to change the colors of this site! they're all named after the George Series characters, but they have the actual colors shown next to them, because the majority of people probably don't know who Cory is. at the time of writing this, one the variables the code uses doesn't exactly work properly with my live preview of the web site, so idk if the actual site is showing with the colors or just with transparent boxes. if it is showing as the latter, i will uhh... panic

as for that play i mentioned i was in last week, we've been doing a read-through of the entire script. since i'm staying home today, i had to read the second act on my own. and boy am i glad i did, because this story is vulgar. like... really freaking vulgar. this is the PG-13 version of the script, but with the copious amount of innuendos and f-bombs these characters say, you could honestly consider this a 17+ script. i already know there's gonna be a lot of re-writes

i've been planning out how these last couple months are gonna go in terms of my projects, and i think i have a decent plan of how it's gonna go. starting off, i plan to release the George 1 Remastered 1.1 update sometime from late september to mid october. as for Fire Forge, i don't know when an alpha version will be released, but maybe i'll have something ready by late november at least? there's still a lot more to be done with that game, so its eventual release is still up in the air right now.
George 1.5 and SSMB are planned to both be 2025 releases, and after those are done i'll probably look into different game engines like godot or gamemaker studio. this does mean i'll probably leave scratch after those projects are done, especially since i don't really find enjoyment from making scratch projects anymore. plus, ever since the Codebreakers community broke up after the game released and... some drama... i haven't really interacted with a community since then.

thanks for reading my blog post, stay tuned for more plog boasts

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