Web Site 1.2 launch - Written Devlog

After delving a bit deeper into web development, I realized that the current way that I'm working on this web site isn't very effective, but very time-consuming. I decided to to try out Brackets as a new means of developing the site. I actually tried out Visual Studio Code (paired with Azure) before moving to Brackets, but once I found out that Microsoft injected their micro-sh*t into Azure, I just gave up on it.

Anyways, the main reason for trying out these services is because they have something called Live Preview, which allows to see changes to made to HTML and CSS files instantly. (and locally!) This makes it stupid easy to make HUGE changes to this site's layout and code without having to go through that save+refresh hell... not to mention, having 902 deployments in 4 months seems like a bit much, and a total waste. Switching from constant GitHub deployments to live development was pretty simple, and I'm excited to see what happens next!

Posted on April 14, 2024 • Site Update