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A : I'm unfortunately too young to have a PayPal or something like that, so I dunno. Subscribe to my Youtube channel or check out my other socials. Play a game or two. Maybe listen to some of my songs, despite their apparent lack in quality.
Q : I like your art. Do you do commissions?
A : Nope. If you're that desperate for my artwork, draw something better. Literally everyone draws my characters better than I can, lol. My résumé of art can be found in the Art Gallery page.
Q : How can I check for new releases and updates?
A : Well, you've already gotten to my web site, so I'd say you're in a good place for that.
Q : How can I contact you?
A : Join my Discord server and shoot me a message. You can also sign my guestbook.
Q : Where are the secrets?
A : I forgot, although I do know they're kept in a folder called "secrets".
A : 16. I've already revealed it before, so there's no point in putting '15-17' or something like that.
Q : Any nicknames you go by?
A : Typically, I just go by LG. I don't care if you make Life's Good jokes.
Q : When did you start making stuff online?
A : I "discovered" Scratch back in 2019, but I brushed it off for not being "real coding". A year later (during the pandemic), I revisited Scratch and found it to be quite the neat tool. Ever since then, I've been making neat games on there. As for IGM, I started making a bunch of crappy, now-deleted clicker games back in 2019, until I lost interest and stopped. Then in 2022, I picked up coding in IGM again and started making actually decent games.
Q : Any hobbies other than coding?
A : I like collecting plushies in my spare time, albeit most of them are Minecraft mobs. However, I do have some other ones, such as Greg from Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Ross Federman, Tally Hall's drummer. I also collect CDs every now and then, since I love them and the music inside them.
A : I use Neocities for hosting, GitHub for the repo, and Brackets for coding. Originally I used GitHub's built-in editor for making it, until I realized how much time I was wasting. I often refer to W3Schools for tutorials and guidance.
Q : What's with the whole GitHub/Neocities hosting switch?
A : When the site was created, it was hosted on Neocities. Then a couple months later, I abandoned it in favor of GitHub Pages. But after months of consistent updates and pondering, this site officially moved back to Neocities.
Q : You're telling me you DIDN'T use a layout builder?
A : You're correct! I didn't use one because I thought it'd be more fun making an entire website straight from scratch, especially considering my affiliation with CSS through IGM. It actually ended up working out, surprisingly.
Q : What's with the version number? Shouldn't those just be for games?
A : Ever since I started making games back in 2019, I've always been obsessed with version numbers. Whether it's formatted X.Y or X.Y.Z, I'm all for it. (1-digit numbers are a no-go, though.)
Q : What's with the space between web and site?
A : I faintly remember making a typo during the early days of the site, that being an accidental space in the word 'website'. I thought it'd be funny to just roll with it, and it's stuck ever since.
Q : When was this web site originally established?
A : April 13, 2023, so it's been a while. The now-defunct GitHub version was made on October 15, 2023.
A : I came up with George, Cory, and Greg in early 2021, and Sparky in mid 2021. The Sid's Adventure characters were made in 2022 (one in mid 2023). My IGM games have no characters so far.
Q : Can I use your characters in my own games?
A : Go ahead! Just make sure to credit me.
Q : Can I make fanart of your characters?
A : Sure, just please don't make it weird.
Q : Can I record/stream myself playing your games or listening to your music?
A : Sure! (the latter is more of a joke, but go ahead if you'd like)