The DemonDecember 2023 • Casurim SMP

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George and the Daily Dose of Withering

by LG

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George was a triangle who encountered the Demon of Withering.

The demon told him: "Wanna explore the radical caves?"

George replied: "Nah"

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The Demon was upset by this news, so he got out his fat scythe, threatening to hurt the small triangle.

George was unphased by this unpleasant news, as he had plenty of Fried Rice.

He said: "f***"

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He was then brutally struck by the scythe, and the Withering effect was given to him.

It was painful, and his many hearts turned black.

"Ouchie ouch f***ie f*** sh*t dogwater"

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Multiple Fried Rice were consumed, and the Withering faded away after 45 seconds.

Oh boy, this is not good news today.

This is just so sad, and Lex was consumed by the Demon right after.

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After the effect faded away, George became super duper angeryry. He pulled out his diamond sword looking thing and stabbed the Demon.

Demon said: "Why do you do so much damage?"

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The angryry triangle responded: "I am become death, destryoter of words."

He pulled out a big word and smacked the Demon with it.

Lex gave a big "hooray!!!"

THe eend.

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Written by LGPlayer13
Written by LGPlayer13
Writeen by GLPlayer13
Writrnbhfe rtby Lgplayer 143 mfw
Withtnent hrbd almynju13 scuh
painful pain aaaAAARGH

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