The Demon IIJanuary 2024 • Casurim SMP

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George and the Daily Dose of Poisoning
[Revision 2]

by LGPlayer13

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chap. 1 / the man

George was on his way to Cory's Thrift Music Emporium Drug Store Shop when he heard a suspicious noise coming from a man.

This man had a goatee and dwarfism.

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"What's that noise coming out of your ass?" asked George.

"That would be my stomach, Mr. Triangle," the man replied.

George glanced at the man and saw one of his kidneys pumping vigorously inside him.

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"You good?" asked George in a worried tone.

"Sure I am. In fact, I forgot to take a couple of my pills this morning. Or was it the fish hooks I ate instead?" said the man.

"Sh*t," said George.

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Unexpected and unfortunate events pursued.
The man flopped onto the ground and started spitting out the butterflies he'd somehow eaten for breakfast earlier.

Did I mention the man was 157 years old?

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Geirge wondered how the man was still breathing, and he sought to end it.

Remembering what happened last month, he looked for some of his Fried Rice.

Apparently, he ate it while jumping off a cliff or some sh*t.

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chap. 2 / the demon

Suddently, the Demon of Withering appeared from the depths of 111. He grinned at the small triangle and said the many harsh words.

"Good afternoon, dumb triangle. Wanna go to the Radical Caves?"

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The Demon waited for a response while the man ate a couple more fish hooks. George also enslaved Lex to harvest his bees' honey. He wasn't after blood, he was after mead.

"No thanks, I am mead today," replied George.

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This was not the answer the Demon was hoping for. He got out his (slightly less fat) scythe and started to threaten the small triangle.

George proceeded to build an Aether Portal, asking the Demon to do him a favor.

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The Demon agreed to help with this favor, stepping into the portal. He was then banished into a loop of forever fighting the Valkyries.

George ate Lex and Opal for breakfast, feeling happy. It was a fine day.

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chap. 3 / the lemon

The man was still lying on the ground, wishing for some nutritious mead. He was glad the small triangle was finally gone.

This all changed when the Demon of Poisoning appeared.

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This particular Demon was lactose intolerant, which basically means any form of dairy both tastes and feels like sh*t. Good stuff.

George returned to the man and asked him for some beans. The man only had two, but they were off limits.

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The new Demon walked up to the small triangle with a smile.

"Good afternoon, kind sir. Do you have any funny Holystone?"

"I ate all of mine, for I am not a very good Christian," said George.

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The new Demon was furious. The funny Holystone was his to eat, for he was pretty unholy.

George then received a call from Lex, who was being eaten for breakfast by Opal.

He warned him of the new Demon's powers.

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"Uh oh," said George.

The new Demon revealed himself as the lead actor of Stranger Things, and he struck the small triangle with his goofy ass spellbook, giving the Poisoning effect to him. Ouchie ouch sh*t no way dawg

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The original Demon broke free of his Valkyrie-related curse and threw some mystery milk at the new Demon.

The new Demon screamed the many screams of screamers, and Lex became a Culver's Butter Burger.

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George then went home, for he'd left his toothpaste in his pillowcase.

Cory often asked why it was there.

George was later arrested for 96 individual stabbings of homeless people.

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The two Demons fought for a while over who could eat Lex for breakfast the best.

Lex was in a great deal of pain for many years to come.

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thsi si the amaizng tablek fo contwnts

chap. 1 : page 2
chap. 2 : page 7
chap. 3 : page 11
credits : page 20

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Wrietin by lgpl,auetr1

Spedical tanskj foit lexlaisi8

You've been watching Disney Channel.
[Reivison uno]

thans fpr erading

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