
comments about the video

"like thanks for shitting on my work and making a video on it instead of just talking to me about what issues you have wit hthe mod or making suggestions for it"
mate, we're not shitting on your work. the video literally has the words "Making Fun Of ReIndev" in its title. in case you couldn't tell, this video is meant to be humorous. (and no, i don't care whether you found it funny or not, that doesn't matter)

"I watched the video and they act like childish morons who get annoyed at any inconvenience"
oh, okay. so not knowing how features of the damn mod work because you don't f***ing show it is being a "childish moron"? and don't give that whole "check the wiki!" bullcrap. firstly, the reindev wiki is unfinished, and secondly, having to go on some online wiki just to figure out that you can put paintings in a crafting table to reset them is dumb and a waste of time. what could you do better? put some tips on the loading screen, make an in-game guidebook, or just make a better system for paintings!

"If these people are adults, then there is pretty much no hope that they can improve"
we're both minors. no, i'm not gonna use the whole "they're just kids, they'll grow out of it" schtick. mate, it's a humorous video. this isn't some personal, looming attack on reindev and its community, we were literally just playing the game and commenting on reindev's flaws and quirks as a mod.

"i dont thinj LG knows how fun works"
then why would i make a 51 minute long video about a mod you think i don't consider fun? just because you comment negatively about something doesn't mean you can't have fun while doing it.

"whining about the painting system even though all they had to do to fix it is ask", "don't think they can read"
firstly, the system you have for paintings in reindev is just bad. that's it- it's just a terrible system that has no rhyme or reason to exist. secondly, what is there to read? the wiki? we weren't notified about the wiki, you f***ing troglodyte.

"they are literally just complaining for thr sake of complaining"
are you blind? i hope not, because the title of the goddamn video says otherwise.

"I think they are attention seeking"
oh yeah, my upload schedule just begs for some of that sweet, sweet attention.

comments about the server

"i dont like how he talked about the pronouns featuer in your server"
okay?? i didn't say anything bad about the feature, i just mentioned its existence.

"its funny they talk about the worldgen being bad just as they're passing into the legacy worldgen section of the server"
why would your server switch to legacy worldgen from the "standard" worldgen? did too many people also complain that reindev's terrain gen is objectively bad?

"we are adding gay robot relationships next update"
this'll look great next to your horny-ass furry painting.

comments about "the trans part"

"'too many trans people in reindev discord' go f*** yourselves! genuinely!"
at what point did we say that in the video? the closest thing we said to that was "the whole everything is trans thing", and that was specifically targeted at the fact that it's pretty f***ing weird to be so vocal about your identity in a minecraft server. like we mentioned in the video, not everyone is trans, and not everyone cares that you're trans. no, we are not transphobic; if you're trans, that's totally fine! but do you really have to make it all you're ever known for on the internet?

"im waiting to see if they have anything to say, or if by the end of this video i am even angrier. i say angrier but honestly than that one trans part its just cringe"
cringe? what happened to the trans part "literally supressing trans people and lives", or being "hateful"?