Minor Web Site updates - Written Devlog

Morning everyone. After the release of update 1.2, I've made a couple small edits and additions to the web site over time. Now that I've gotten adjusted to Brackets, I thought I should give a recap of what's new.

-ㅤStarting off, Fire Forge has received its own page, and the Lost Labyrinths page has gotten quite the overhaul; now showing extra links with grainy icons.
-ㅤNext up, the About and About Extras pages have also been updated. The latter has been split into two boxes for better presentation, while the other got changed in its Other Cool Websites section.
-ㅤThe home page link icons now show characters from the George Series, rather than just generic letters. Also, the hyphen-lost link icon is no longer broken. Sorry, Lex!
-ㅤI discovered height:auto; which should completely fix any and all sizing issues with boxes. Took long enough, my gosh.
-ㅤPages relating to games and devlogs have now been placed into folders, allowing for more compact file storing and no longer clogging up my list of HTML files.
-ㅤThe CSS file has been cleaned up and properly formatted, it was kind of a big mess and heavily outdated before. I know, not very exciting news.
-ㅤLastly, the devlogs have been tweaked slightly, both in their full pages (like this one) and small boxes.
-ㅤLiterally the next day: Tweaked the Blog page a little bit

Well that wraps up this devlog. Stay tuned for more news, hopefully covering Fire Forge!

Posted on May 2, 2024 • Site Update